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Lgals9 - KN2.0, Mouse gene knockout kit via CRISPR, non-homology mediated.

Format 2 gRNA vectors, 1 linear donor
Donor DNA EF1a-GFP-P2A-Puro
KN509249 is the updated version of KN309249.

qSTAR qPCR primer pairs against Mus musculus gene Lgals9

LGALS9 CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of human galectin 9

Format 3gRNAs, 1 scramble ctrl and 1 enhancer vector

Lgals9 CRISPRa kit - CRISPR gene activation of mouse lectin, galactose binding, soluble 9

Format 3gRNAs, 1 scramble ctrl and 1 enhancer vector

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene LGALS9

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qSTAR qPCR primer pairs against Homo sapiens gene LGALS9

Component 1 vial of lyophilized qSTAR qPCR primer mix (1 nmol each primer, sufficient for 200 reactions)