IHC Detection Kits

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a qualitative technique to visualize specific proteins or antigens in tissue sections using the principles of antibody-antigen interactions. IHC is mainly used in research, diagnostic, and clinical settings. IHC provides morphological information and protein expression data, allowing researchers to correlate protein expression patterns with specific cell types, tissue structures, or disease features.

OriGene provides high-quality chromogenic detection kits to detect the expression of target proteins in tissues. Chromogenic detection uses enzymes to convert soluble substrates to insoluble, chromogenic end products at the site of antigen expression. Learn more about chromogenic detection here>>

Browse all traditional IHC Kits Browse all Polymer-Linked IHC Kits

IHC Essential: Find all IHC accessories for your experiment here:

IHC-Validated Antibodies:

Biotin Conjugated
Fluor Conjugated
Polymer Conjugated

Antigen retrieval buffers:
Mounting media:
Other reagents & buffers:

Choose from our different detection systems:

Biotin-Streptavidin HRP-Based IHC Kits

Cat# Description Components Size
D01-6 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP Detection for MOUSE & RABBIT antibody on human Tissue 1. Pre-Block
2. Biotin-2 nd Ab Ms & Rb
4. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D02-6 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP detection for MOUSE antibody on human tissue 1. Pre-Block
2. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Ms
4. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D03-6 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP Detection for RABBIT antibody on human tissue 1. Pre-Block
2. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Rb
4. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D04-6 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP Detection for MOUSE & RABBIT antibody on human Tissue 1. Pre-Block
2. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Rb & Ms
4. AEC

6 ml 18 ml

D06-6 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP Detection for RABBIT antibody on animal Tissue 1. Pre-Block
2. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Rb
4. AEC

6 ml 18 ml

D25-18 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP Detection for MOUSE & RABBIT antibody on human Tissue Streptavidin-HRP

18 ml 110 ml 500 ml

D30-1 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP detection concentrate (100x) for RABBIT antibody on human tissue 1. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Rb concentRate 2. SA-HRP concentrate

1 ml

D31-1 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP detection concentrate (100x) for MOUSE antibody on human tissue 1. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Ms concentRate 2. SA-HRP concentrate

1 ml

D76-6 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP Detection for GOAT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Pre-Block
2. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Goat
4. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

Biotin-Streptavidin AP Based IHC Kits

Cat# Description Components Size
D07-6A Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP Detection for MOUSE & RABBIT antibody on human Tissue 1. Pre-Block
2. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Ms & Rb
4. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D08-6A Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP detection for MOUSE antibody on human tissue 1. Pre-Block
2. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Ms
4. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D09-6A Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP Detection for RABBIT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Pre-Block
2. Biotin-2 nd Ab x Rb
4. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D29-18 Biotin-Streptavidin HRP and AP Detection for MOUSE & RABBIT antibody on human Tissue Sreptavidin-AP

18 ml 110 ml

1-Step Polymer-Based IHC Kits

Cat# Description Components Size
D11-6 Polink-1 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibodies on human tissue 1. Polymer HRP x Ms&Rb. 2
with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D12-6 Polink-1 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Polymer HRP x Ms. 2
with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D13-6 Polink-1 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for RABBIT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Polymer HRP x Rb. 2
with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D17-6 Polink-1 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibodies on human tissue 1. Polymer AP x Ms&Rb
2. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D18-6 Polink-1 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Polymer AP x Ms
2 GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D19-6 Polink-1 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for RABBIT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Polymer AP x Rb
2. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D33-6 Polink-1 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for GOAT antibody on Human or Animal Tissue 1. Polymer HRP x Goat. 2
with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D35-6 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for RAT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Polymer HRP x Rat
2. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D55-6 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on RAT tissue 1. Polymer HRP x mouse (min. cross to Rat)
2. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D57-6 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on RAT tissue 1. Polymer AP x Ms. (min. cross to Rat)
2. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D61-6 Polink-1 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for GOAT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Polymer AP x Goat
2. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D62-6 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for RAT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Polymer AP x Rat
2. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

2-Step Polymer-Based IHC Kits for Human Tissue

Cat# Description Components Size
D37-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Ms.
2. Polymer HRP x Ms
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D39-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for RABBIT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Rb
2. Polymer HRP x Rb
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D41-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibody on human tissue 1. Enhancer for Ms&Rb
2. Polymer HRP x Ms&Rb
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml 125 ml

D43-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for GOAT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Goat
2. Polymer HRP x Gt
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D46-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for RAT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Rat (no cross to mouse)
2. Polymer HRP x Rat
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D58-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on RAT tissue 1. Enhancer for Mouse (no cross to Rat)
2. Polymer HRP x Ms
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D65-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on RAT tissue 1. Enhancer for Mouse (no cross to Rat)
2. Polymer AP x Ms
3. with GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D66-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for GOAT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Goat
2. Polymer AP x Gt
3. with GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D67-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for RAT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Rat
2. Polymer AP x Rat
3. with GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D68-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibody on human tissue 1. Enhancer for Ms&Rb
2. Polymer AP x Ms&Rb
3. with GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D69-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on human or other animal (NOT for mouse and rat) tissue 1. Enhancer for Ms
2. Polymer AP x Ms
3. with GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D70-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for RABBIT antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Rb
2. Polymer AP x Rb
3. with GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D83-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer polymer detection for GUINEA PIG antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Guinea pig
2. Polymer HRP x Guinea Pig
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D84-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer detection for CHICKEN antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Chicken IgY
2. Polymer HRP x Chichken IgY
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D85-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer detection for SHEEP antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Sheep
2. Polymer HRP x Sheep
3. with DAB

1 ml 18 ml

D86-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer detection for Syrian Hamster antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Syrian Hamster
2. Polymer HRP x Syrian Hamster
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D87-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP polymer detection for ARMENIAN HAMSTER antibody on human or animal tissue 1. Enhancer for Armenian Hamster
2. Polymer HRP x Armenian Hamster
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D88-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for HUMAN antibody on ANIMAL tissue 1. Enhancer for Human
2. Hoplymer HRP x Human
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D89-6 Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for HUMAN antibody on ANIMAL tissue 1. Enhancer for Human
2. Poplymer AP x Human
3. with GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

Polink Double & Triple Staining Kit

Cat# Description Components Size
DS201A-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rabbit
2. DAB (Brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS201B-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rabbit
2. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS201C-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rabbit
2. Emerald (Jade green color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS202A-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. AP x Mouse & HRP x Rabbit
2. DAB (Brown color)
GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS202B-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. AP x Mouse & HRP x Rabbit
2. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS202C-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. AP x Mouse & HRP x Rabbit
2. Emerald (Jade green color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS203A-6 Double Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Mouse & AP x Mouse
2. DAB (Brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS203B-6 Double Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Mouse & AP x Mouse
2. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS203C-6 Double Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Mouse & AP x Mouse
2. Emerald (Jade green color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS204A-6 Double Staining Kits for 2 RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Rabbit & AP x Rabbit
2. DAB (Brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS204B-6 Double Staining Kits for 2 RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Rabbit & AP x Rabbit
2. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS204C-6 Double Staining Kits for 2 RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human or MOUSE Tissue 1. HRP x Rabbit & AP x Rabbit
2. Emerald (Jade green color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS205A-6 Double Staining Kits for RABBIT and GOAT Primary Antibodies on Human or Mouse Tissue 1. HRPx Goat & AP x Rabbit
2. DAB (Brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS205B-6 Double Staining Kits for RABBIT and GOAT Primary Antibodies on Human or Mouse Tissue 1. HRPx Goat & AP x Rabbit
2. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS205C-6 Double Staining Kits for RABBIT and GOAT Primary Antibodies on Human or Mouse Tissue 1. HRPx Goat & AP x Rabbit
2. Emerald (Jade green color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS206A-6 Double Staining Kits for GOAT and RAT Primary Antibodies on Human or Mouse Tissue 1. HRPx Goat & AP x Rat
2. DAB (brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS206B-6 Double Staining Kits for GOAT and RAT Primary Antibodies on Human or Mouse Tissue 1. HRPx Goat & AP x Rat
2. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS206C-6 Double Staining Kits for GOAT and RAT Primary Antibodies on Human or Mouse Tissue 1. HRP x Goat & AP x Rat
2. Emerald (Jade green color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS207A-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and GOAT Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. AP x Goat & HRPx Mouse
2. DAB (brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS207B-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and GOAT Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. AP x Goat & HRPx Mouse
2. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS207C-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and GOAT Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. AP x Goat & HRPx Mouse
2. Emerald (Jade green color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS209A-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RAT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. Rat primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rat
3. DAB (brown color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS209B-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RAT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. Rat primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rat
2. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS209C-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RAT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. Rat primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rat
3. Emerald (Jade green color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS210A-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RAT Primary Antibodies on Mouse Tissue 1. Mouse Primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rat
3. DAB (brown color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS210B-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RAT Primary Antibodies on Mouse Tissue 1. Mouse Primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rat
3. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS210C-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RAT Primary Antibodies on Mouse Tissue 1. Mouse Primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rat
3. Emerald (Jade green color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS211A-6 Double Staining Kits for RABBIT and RAT Primary Antibodies on Human or Mouse Tissue 1. HRP x Rat & AP x Rabbit
2. DAB (brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS211B-6 Double Staining Kits for RABBIT and RAT Primary Antibodies on Human or Mouse Tissue 1. HRP x Rat & AP x Rabbit
2. BCIP (Purple color)
3. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS211C-6 Double Staining Kits for RABBIT and RAT Primary Antibodies on Human or Mouse Tissue 1. HRP x Rat & AP x Rabbit
2. Emerald (Jade green color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS212A-6 Double Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on MOUSE Tissue 1. Mouse Primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Mouse
3. DAB (Brown color)
4. Permanent Red (red)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS212B-6 Double Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on MOUSE Tissue 1. Mouse Primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Mouse
3. BCIP (Purple color)
4. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS212C-6 Double Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on MOUSE Tissue 1. Mouse Primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Mouse
3. Emerald (Jade green color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS233A-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RABBIT Primary Antibodies on MOUSE Tissue 1. Mouse primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rabbit
3. DAB (Brown color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS233B-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RABBIT Primary Antibodies on MOUSE Tissue 1. Mouse primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rabbit
3. BCIP (Purple color)
4. AEC (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

DS233C-6 Double Staining Kits for MOUSE and RABBIT Primary Antibodies on MOUSE Tissue 1. Mouse primer
2. HRP x Mouse & AP x Rabbit
3. Emerald (Jade green color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)

12 ml 36 ml 120 ml

TS301A-6 Triple Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE and 1 RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Rabbit
AP x Mouse & HRP x Mouse
2. DAB (brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
4. Emerald (Jade green color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS301B-6 Triple Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE and 1 RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Rabbit
AP x Mouse & HRP x Mouse
2. DAB (brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
4. DAB-Ni (Black color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS302A-6 Triple Staining Kits for 2 RABBIT and 1 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Mouse
AP x Rabbit & HRP x Rabbit
2. DAB (brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
4. Emerald (Jade green color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS302B-6 Triple Staining Kits for 2 RABBIT and 1 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Mouse
AP x Rabbit & HRP x Rabbit
2. DAB (brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
4. DAB-Ni (Black color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS303A-6 Triple Staining Kits for RABBIT, GOAT and MOUSE Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Goat
AP x Rabbit & HRP x Mouse
2. DAB (brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
4. Emerald (Jade green color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS303B-6 Triple Staining Kits for RABBIT, GOAT and MOUSE Primary Antibodies on Human Tissue 1. HRP x Goat
AP x Rabbit & HRP x Mouse
2. DAB (brown color)
3. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
4. DAB-Ni (Black color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS308A-6 Triple Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE & 1 RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Mouse Tissue 1. Mouse primer
2. AP x Mouse
HRP x Rabbit & HRP x Mouse
3. DAB (brown color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
5. Emerald (Jade green color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS308B-6 Triple Staining Kits for 2 MOUSE & 1 RABBIT Primary Antibodies on Mouse Tissue 1. Mouse primer
2. AP x Mouse
HRP x Rabbit & HRP x Mouse
3. DAB (brown color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
5. DAB-Ni (Black color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS309A-6 Triple Staining Kits for 2 RABBIT & 1 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on Mouse Tissue 1. Mouse primer
2. HRP x Mouse
AP x Rabbit & HRP x Rabbit
3. DAB (brown color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
5. Emerald (Jade green color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS309B-6 Triple Staining Kits for 2 RABBIT & 1 MOUSE Primary Antibodies on Mouse Tissue 1. Mouse primer
2. HRP x Mouse
AP x Rabbit & HRP x Rabbit
3. DAB (brown color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
5. DAB-Ni (Black color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS312A-6 Triple staining for MOUSE, RABBIT & RAT Primary Antibodies on Mouse Tissue 1. Rat primer
2. HRP x Mouse
AP x Rat & HRP x Rabbit
3. DAB (brown color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
5. Emerald (Jade green color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

TS312B-6 Triple staining for MOUSE, RABBIT & RAT Primary Antibodies on Mouse Tissue 1. Rat primer
2. HRP x Mouse
AP x Rat & HRP x Rabbit
3. DAB (brown color)
4. GBI-Permanent Red (Red color)
5. DAB-Ni (Black color)

24 ml 72 ml 240 ml

Species on Species Detection Kit

Cat# Description Components Size
D103-110D Klear Human HRP Polymer and AP Polymer Kits are designed for the detection of Human primary antibody on Human or Primate tissue 1. Hu. Primer
2. Quenching buffer
3. Hu. Blocking buffer A & B
4. anti Hu. Polymer-HRP
5. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml 110 ml

D51-18 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on MOUSE tissue 1. Ms. Blocking buffer A & B
2. Ms Enhancer
3. Polymer-AP 2 nd Ab
4. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D51-6 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on MOUSE tissue 1. Ms. Blocking buffer A & B
2. Ms Enhancer
3. Polymer-AP 2 nd Ab
4. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D52-18 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on MOUSE tissue 1. Ms. Blocking buffer A & B
2. Ms Enhancer
3. Polymer-HRP 2 nd Ab
4. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D52-6 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on MOUSE tissue 1. Ms. Blocking buffer A & B
2. Ms Enhancer
3. Polymer-HRP 2 nd Ab
4. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml

D54-18 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on MOUSE tissue 1. Ms. Blocking A
2. Ms. Blocking B

6 ml 18 ml

D54-6 Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on MOUSE tissue 1. Ms. Blocking A
2. Ms. Blocking B

6 ml 18 ml

1-Step Polymer-Based IHC Kits

Cat# Description Components Size
D22-6 Polink-2 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibodies on human tissue 1. Polymer Helper
2. Polymer HRP x Ms&Rb
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml 60 ml

D24-6 Polink-2 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibodies on human tissue 1. Polymer Helper
2. Polymer AP x Ms&Rb
3. GBI-Permanent Red

6 ml 18 ml

D27-6 Polink-2 HRP polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE, RABBIT and GOAT antibodies on human tissue 1. Polymer Helper-3
2. Polymer AP x Ms/Rb/Gt
3. with DAB

6 ml 18 ml