Get 25% off TissueFocus™ RNA, DNA, and Protein Lysates Products

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Try one of our high-quality TissueFocus Products.

Do you need tissue samples for your research? OriGene has an in-house Tissue Biorepository of over 100,000 human tissue samples, from which we have extracted RNA, DNA, and Protein Lysates.

Mention code Tissue25 to get 25% off on your next order.

Total RNA Genomic DNA Protein Lysate

Offer valid till December 31st, 2024

Tissue total RNA and genomic DNA

Samples were derived from our high-quality frozen tissues after rigorous QC testing. Agilent Bioanalyzer 28S/18S ratio, Electropherogram, A260/A280 ratio, and PCR images are available upon request. Samples are offered in 5 ug aliquots.

Tissue Protein Lysate

Protein lysates were generated using a Modified RIPA buffer (no SDS) in the presence of protease and phosphatase inhibitors. Protein quantification is performed using the BCA Protein Assay. Samples are offered in 150 ug aliquots.

Key Features:

  • Pathologist-Verified - The Samples have gone through a stringent QC process, and H&E slides were reviewed by a board-certified pathologist.
  • Ethically sourced - All cases have been through the IRB process at a major US medical center.
  • Broad Coverage - We have hundreds of different diagnoses (such as cancer, normal, inflammatory, and degenerative diseases) and tissue types ready for you to select, order, and ship in a week.
Terms and conditions

This promotion is open to worldwide customers and applies to online and offline orders from OriGene Technologies or an OriGene distributor. Promotion cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions

Offer valid for qualifying orders received by December 31st, 2024, or until stocks are depleted, whichever comes first. Offer void where prohibited, licensed, or restricted by federal, state, provincial, or local laws, regulations, or agency/institutional policy. Other restrictions may apply.