Fzd1 Mouse siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 14362)

CAT#: SR418596

Fzd1 (Mouse) - 3 unique 27mer siRNA duplexes - 2 nmol each

USD 430.00

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    • 2 nmol

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Product Data
Purity HPLC purified
Quality Control Tested by ESI-MS
Sequences Available with shipment
Components Fzd1 (Mouse) - 3 unique 27mer siRNA duplexes - 2 nmol each (Locus ID 14362)
Included - SR30004, Trilencer-27 Universal Scrambled Negative Control siRNA Duplex - 2 nmol
Included - SR30005, RNAse free siRNA Duplex Resuspension Buffer - 2 ml
Stability One year from date of shipment when stored at -20°C.
Number of Transfections Approximately 330 transfections/2nmol in 24-well plate under optimized conditions (final conc. 10 nM).
Note Single siRNA duplex (10nmol) can be ordered.
Reference Data
RefSeq NM_021457
Synonyms AW227548; FZ-1; Fz1
Summary Receptor for Wnt proteins. Most of frizzled receptors are coupled to the beta-catenin canonical signaling pathway, which leads to the activation of disheveled proteins, inhibition of GSK-3 kinase, nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin and activation of Wnt target genes. A second signaling pathway involving PKC and calcium fluxes has been seen for some family members, but it is not yet clear if it represents a distinct pathway or if it can be integrated in the canonical pathway, as PKC seems to be required for Wnt-mediated inactivation of GSK-3 kinase. Both pathways seem to involve interactions with G-proteins. May be involved in transduction and intercellular transmission of polarity information during tissue morphogenesis and/or in differentiated tissues. [UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Function]
Performance Guaranteed OriGene guarantees that at least two of the three Dicer-Substrate duplexes in the kit will provide at least 70% or more knockdown of the target mRNA when used at 10 nM concentration by quantitative RT-PCR when the TYE-563 fluorescent transfection control duplex (cat# SR30002) indicates that >90% of the cells have been transfected and the HPRT positive control (cat# SR30003) provides 90% knockdown efficiency.

For non-conforming siRNA, requests for replacement product must be made within ninety (90) days from the date of delivery of the siRNA kit. To arrange for a free replacement with newly designed duplexes, please contact Technical Services at techsupport@origene.com. Please provide your data indicating the transfection efficiency and measurement of gene expression knockdown compared to the scrambled siRNA control (quantitative RT-PCR data required).

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*Delivery time may vary from web posted schedule. Occasional delays may occur due to unforeseen complexities in the preparation of your product. International customers may expect an additional 1-2 weeks in shipping.