Vector Citations

OriGene products have been used extensively by scientists worldwide to improve their research efficiency. For your reference, we have collected a representation of citations for selected OriGene products and posted them at this site.

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Here are some of the recent papers making use of OriGene products by fellow researchers.

Target Research Paper Journal Product SKU
PS100062 Noninvasive, Targeted, and Non-Viral Ultrasound-Mediated GDNF-Plasmid Delivery for Treatment of Parkinson's Disease Sci Rep, 2016 Jan Vector PS100062
PS100062 ErbB2-intronic microRNA-4728: a novel tumor suppressor and antagonist of oncogenic MAPK signaling Cell Death Dis, 2015 May Vector PS100062
PS100062 A novel member of the let-7 microRNA family is associated with developmental transitions in filarial nematode parasites BMC Genomics, 2015 Apr Vector PS100062
PS100062 Hypo- and Hypermorphic FOXC1 Mutations in Dominant Glaucoma: Transactivation and Phenotypic Variability PLoS ONE, 2015 Mar Vector PS100062
PS100062 HuR Suppresses Fas Expression and Correlates with Patient Outcome in Liver Cancer Mol. Cancer Res., 2015 Feb Vector PS100062
PS100062 Restored immunosuppressive effect of mesenchymal stem cells on B cells after OAZ downregulation in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Arthritis & rheumatology, 2014 Sep Vector PS100001
PS100064 Potential role of TRIM3 as a novel tumour suppressor in colorectal cancer (CRC) development Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 2015 Dec Vector PS100064
PS100064 UHRF1 promotes human osteosarcoma cell invasion by downregulating the expression of E-cadherin in an Rb1-dependent manner Mol Med Rep, 2015 Nov Vector PS100064
PS100064 Loss of protocadherin-17 (PCDH-17) promotes metastasis and invasion through hyperactivation of EGFR/MEK/ERK signaling pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma Tumour Biol., 2015 Sep Vector PS100064
PS100064 EGFR inhibition evokes innate drug resistance in lung cancer cells by preventing Akt activity and thus inactivating Ets-1 function Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2015 Jul Vector PS100064
PS100064 Flow-dependent expression of ectonucleotide tri(di)phosphohydrolase-1 and suppression of atherosclerosis J. Clin. Invest., 2015 Jun Vector PS100064
PS100068 Distinct fc? receptors mediate the effect of serum amyloid p on neutrophil adhesion and fibrocyte differentiation J. Immunol., 2014 Aug Vector PS100002
PS100069 Tumour-suppressive function of SIRT4 in human colorectal cancer Br. J. Cancer, 2015 Jun Vector PS100069
PS100071 The Adaptor 3BP2 Is Required for KIT Receptor Expression and Human Mast Cell Survival J. Immunol., 2015 Mar Vector PS100071
PS100071 miR-34a Inhibits Proliferation and Invasion of Bladder Cancer Cells by Targeting Orphan Nuclear Receptor HNF4G Disease Markers, 2015 Mar Vector PS100071
PS100071 Cadherin-11 involves in synovitis and increases the migratory and invasive capacity of fibroblast-like synoviocytes of osteoarthritis Int. Immunopharmacol., 2015 Mar Vector PS100071
PS100081 Disease-Causing SDHAF1 Mutations Impair Transfer of Fe-S Clusters to SDHB Cell Metab., 2015 Dec Vector PS100081
PS100085 Evidence that hepatitis B virus replication in mouse cells is limited by the lack of a host cell dependency factor J. Hepatol., 2015 Nov Vector PS100085
PS200008 Germline gain-of-function mutations in AFF4 cause a developmental syndrome functionally linking the super elongation complex and cohesin Nat. Genet., 2015 Apr Vector PS200008
pT7-Cas9 Two CRISPR/Cas9-mediated methods for targeting complex insertions, deletions, or replacements in mouse MethodsX, 2019 Sep Vector GE100014
pT7-Cas9 PD-linked CHCHD2 mutations impair CHCHD10 and MICOS complex leading to mitochondria dysfunction Hum. Mol. Genet., 2018 Nov Vector GE100014
pT7-Cas9 KDM6A and KDM6B play contrasting roles in nuclear transfer embryos revealed by MERVL reporter system EMBO reports, 2018 Nov Vector GE100014
pT7-Cas9 Fine Tuning of Histone Demethylase KDM6A/B Improves the Development of Nuclear Transfer Embryo bioRxiv, 2018 Aug Vector GE100014
pT7-Guide-IVT Two CRISPR/Cas9-mediated methods for targeting complex insertions, deletions, or replacements in mouse MethodsX, 2019 Sep Vector GE100025
pT7-Guide-IVT PD-linked CHCHD2 mutations impair CHCHD10 and MICOS complex leading to mitochondria dysfunction Hum. Mol. Genet., 2018 Nov Vector GE100025
pTUNE Recombinant Protein Expression: Vector-Host Systems Materials and Methods Dec 2013., 2013 Oct Vector
QP100001 Studies of the Wnt/ß-catenin signalling pathway in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Thesis, 2014 Aug Vector PS100010
RAD21 Ectopic expression of meiotic cohesin RAD21L promotes adjacency of homologous chromosomes in somatic cells J. Reprod. Dev, 2017 Feb Vector MR215893
REC8 Ectopic expression of meiotic cohesin RAD21L promotes adjacency of homologous chromosomes in somatic cells J. Reprod. Dev, 2017 Feb Vector MR209218
RG202222 Caracterização funcional de HTRA1 em linhagens celulares HPV positiva e HPV negativa Thesis, 2014 Jan Vector PS100001
SC305326 Kaiso Interacts with p120-Catenin to Regulate β-Catenin Expression at the Transcriptional Level PLoS ONE, Feb 2014., 2014 Feb Vector PS100001
SC400392 The involvement of selected membrane transport mechanisms in the cellular uptake of 177Lu-labeled bombesin, somatostatin and gastrin analogues Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2014 Sep Vector PS100001
SC400582 Roles of Cell Junctions and the Cytoskeleton in Substrate-free Cell Sheet Engineering Thesis, 2014 Jan Vector PCMV6XL5
SC400919 Loss of MBNL Leads to Disruption of Developmentally Regulated Alternative Polyadenylation in RNA-Mediated Disease Mol. Cell, 2014 Sep Vector PS100062
Scrambled Control Huntingtin-Associated Protein 1A Regulates Store-Operated Calcium Entry in Medium Spiny Neurons From Transgenic YAC128 Mice, a Model of Huntington’s Disease Front. Cell. Neurosci., 2018 Oct Vector TR30021
shRNA Caveolin-1 enhances rapid mucosal restitution by activating TRPC1-mediated Ca2+ signaling Physiol Rep, 2014 Nov Vector PCMV6NEO
shRNA Ribosomal protein S3 regulates GLI2-mediated osteosarcoma invasion Cancer Lett., 2014 Nov Vector PS100001
SMC1B Ectopic expression of meiotic cohesin RAD21L promotes adjacency of homologous chromosomes in somatic cells J. Reprod. Dev, 2017 Feb Vector MR220884
SMC3 Ectopic expression of meiotic cohesin RAD21L promotes adjacency of homologous chromosomes in somatic cells J. Reprod. Dev, 2017 Feb Vector MR209999
TA130003 Secreted cyclophilin A mediates G1/S phase transition of cholangiocarcinoma cells via CD147/ERK1/2 pathway Tumour Biol., 2014 Oct Vector TR20003
TA130003 Atmospheric-pressure gas plasma-induced colorectal cancer cell death is mediated by Nox2-ASK1 apoptosis pathways and oxidative stress is mitigated by Srx-Nrf2 anti-oxidant system Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 2014 Aug Vector PS100010
TA130013 Connexin 30 expression inhibits growth of human malignant gliomas but protects them against radiation therapy Neuro-oncology, 2014 Aug Vector PS100068
TF302060 Deletion of the Activated Protein-1 Transcription Factor JunD Induces Oxidative Stress and Accelerates Age-Related Endothelial Dysfunction Vascular Medicine, 2013 Aug Vector PS100001
TF81001 A potential therapeutic effect of CYP2C8 overexpression on anti-TNF-a activity Int. J. Mol. Med., 2014 Sep Vector PS100010
TF81001 Oxidoreductase activity is necessary for N-glycosylation of cysteine-proximal acceptor sites in glycoproteins J. Cell Biol., 2014 Aug Vector PS100009
Tissue Downregulation of miR-410 targeting the cyclin B1 gene plays a role in pituitary gonadotroph tumors Cell Cycle, 2015 Jun Vector PCMVMIR
Tissues TMEM16A protein attenuates lipopolysaccharide-mediated inflammatory response of human lung epithelial cell line A549 Exp. Lung Res., 2014 Jun Vector PS100001
TP790010 Human Cytomegalovirus-Encoded pUL7 Is a Novel CEACAM1-Like Molecule Responsible for Promotion of Angiogenesis MBio, 2014 Oct Vector PS100054
TR20003 Identification and characterization of membrane androgen receptors in the ZIP9 zinc transporter subfamily: II. Role of human ZIP9 in testosterone-induced prostate and breast cancer cell apoptosis Endocrinology July 2014, 2014 Jul Vector PCMV6NEO
TR30007 miR-155 Accelerates the Growth of Human Liver Cancer Cells by Activating CDK2 via Targeting H3F3A Mol Ther Oncolytics, 2020 Jun Vector pGFP-V-RS