TrueClone Citations

OriGene products have been used extensively by scientists worldwide to improve their research efficiency. For your reference, we have collected a representation of citations for selected OriGene products and posted them at this site.

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Here are some of the recent papers making use of OriGene products by fellow researchers.

Target Research Paper Journal Product SKU
ECRG4 Downregulated ECRG4 is associated with poor prognosis in renal cell cancer and is regulated by promoter DNA methylation Tumour Biol., 2015 Aug TrueClone SC104814
EDIL3 EDIL3 promotes epithelial–mesenchymal transition and paclitaxel resistance through its interaction with integrin αVβ3 in cancer cells Cell Death Discov., 2020 Sep TrueClone SC116573
Edil3 Expression and Function of the Homeostatic Molecule Del-1 in Endothelial Cells and the Periodontal Tissue Clinical and Developmental Immunology Dec 2013., 2013 Nov TrueClone SC116573
EDIL3 Developmental Endothelial Locus-1 (Del-1) Mediates Clearance of Platelet Microparticles by the Endothelium Circulation, Apr 2012; 125: 1664 - 1672., 2012 Apr TrueClone SC116573
EDNRA Loss-of-function of Endothelin receptor type A results in Oro-Oto-Cardiac syndrome Am. J. Med. Genet. A, 2020 Mar TrueClone SC118901
EDNRA Cell-free methods to produce structurally intact mammalian membrane proteins Sci Rep, 2016 Jul TrueClone SC118901
EDNRA Mutations in the endothelin receptor type a cause mandibulofacial dysostosis with alopecia Am. J. Hum. Genet., 2015 Apr TrueClone SC118901
EDNRA Desensitization and Internalization of Endothelin Receptor A: Impact of G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinase 2-mediated Phosphorylation J Biol Chem. 2013 Nov 8;288(45):32138-48, 2013 Nov TrueClone SC118901
EDNRA An Antibody–Drug Conjugate Targeting the Endothelin B Receptor for the Treatment of Melanoma Clin. Cancer Res., Mar 2011; 17: 965 - 975, 2011 Mar TrueClone SC118901
EEA1 The p97 ATPase associates with EEA1 to regulate the size of early endosomes Cell Research (10 May 2011) doi:10.1038/cr.2011.80 Original Article, 2011 May TrueClone SC309001
EED Bromodomain protein 7 interacts with PRMT5 and PRC2, and is involved in transcriptional repression of their target genes Nucleic Acids Res., Mar 2011; 10.1093/nar/gkr170, 2011 Mar TrueClone SC108260
EEF1A1 Human eukaryotic elongation factor 1A forms oligomers through specific cysteine residues Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sin. (Shanghai), 2015 Dec TrueClone SC124558
EEF1A1 Use of phage display to identify novel mineralocorticoid receptor-interacting proteins Mol. Endocrinol. July 2014, 2014 Jul TrueClone SC124558
EEF1A2 Protumorigenic role of Timeless in hepatocellular carcinoma Int. J. Oncol., 2014 Nov TrueClone SC118902
EEF1A2 EEF1A2 inactivates p53 via PI3K/AKT/mTOR-dependent stabilization of MDM4 in hepatocellular carcinoma Hepatology, 2013 Nov TrueClone SC118902
EFEMP1 The EFEMP1 Gene: A Frequent Target for Epigenetic Silencing in Multiple Human Pituitary Adenoma Subtypes Neuroendocrinology. 2013 Nov 6, 2013 Nov TrueClone SC126895
EFEMP1 EFEMP1 Expression Promotes In vivo Tumor Growth in Human Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Mol. Cancer Res., Feb 2009; 7: 189 - 198., 2009 Feb TrueClone SC126895
EFEMP2 Targeted Disruption of Fibulin-4 Abolishes Elastogenesis and Causes Perinatal Lethality in Mice Mol. Cell. Biol. 2006 Mar;26(5):1700-9., 2006 Mar TrueClone SC114145
EFNB1 EphrinB1 expression is dysregulated and promotes oncogenic signaling in medulloblastoma J. Neurooncol., 2014 Sep TrueClone SC117345
EFNB2 p75NTR-dependent activation of NF-[kappa] B regulates microRNA-503 transcription and pericyte-endothelial crosstalk in diabetes after limb ischaemia Nature Communications, 2015 Aug TrueClone SC117586
EFNB2 Identification of residues in the Hendra virus G glycoprotein critical for receptor binding J Virol. 2007 Jun;81(11):5893-901., 2007 Jun TrueClone SC117586
EFNB2 Evidence of a Potential Receptor-Binding Site on the Nipah Virus G Protein (NiV-G): Identification of Globular Head Residues with a Role in Fusion Promotion and Their Localization on an NiV-G Structural Model J. Virol., Aug 2006; 80: 7546 - 7554., 2006 Aug TrueClone SC117586
EFNB2 Ephrin-B2 ligand is a functional receptor for Hendra virus and Nipah virus Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jul 26;102(30):10652-7., 2005 Jul TrueClone SC117586
EFTUD2 EFTUD2 is a novel innate immune regulator restricting hepatitis C virus infection through the RIG-I/MDA5 pathway J. Virol., 2015 Apr TrueClone SC117496
EGFL7 Real-time immuno-polymerase chain reaction in a 384-well format: Detection of vascular endothelial growth factor and epidermal growth factor-like domain 7 Anal. Biochem. July 2014, 2014 Jul TrueClone SC114429
EGFR TIEG1 Inhibits Breast Cancer Invasion and Metastasis by Inhibition of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Transcription and the EGFR Signaling Pathway Mol. Cell. Biol., Jan 2012; 32: 50 - 63., 2012 Jan TrueClone SC308009
EGFR Time-resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (TR-FRET) to Analyze the Disruption of EGFR/HER2 Dimers: A NEW METHOD TO EVALUATE THE EFFICIENCY OF TARGETED THERAPY USING MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES J. Biol. Chem., Apr 2011; 286: 11337 - 11345, 2011 Apr TrueClone SC110878
EGFR PDGF induced microRNA alterations in cancer cells Nucleic Acids Res., Jan 2011; 10.1093/nar/gkq1305, 2011 Jan TrueClone SC110878
EGR1 Identification, Characterization, and Regulatory Mechanisms of a Novel EGR1 Splicing Isoform Int J Mol Sci, 2019 Mar TrueClone SC128132
EGR1 A Novel Egr-1-Agrin Pathway and Potential Implications for Regulation of Synaptic Physiology and Homeostasis at the Neuromuscular Junction Front Aging Neurosci, 2017 Aug TrueClone SC128132
EGR1 EGR-1/Bax Pathway Plays a Role in Vitamin E d-Tocotrienol-induced Apoptosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2015 Apr TrueClone SC128132
EGR1 EGR1 supports the osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells Int Endod J. April 2014, 2014 Apr TrueClone SC128132
EGR1 Identification of a Functional TPH1 Polymorphism Associated With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Bowel Habit Subtypes J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., Aug 2013; 346: 201 - 210., 2013 Nov TrueClone SC128132
EGR1 Cellular Immediate-Early Gene Expression Occurs Kinetically Upstream of Epstein-Barr Virus bzlf1 and brlf1 following Cross-Linking of the B Cell Antigen Receptor in the Akata Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Line J. Virol., Dec 2010; 84: 12405 - 12418, 2010 Dec TrueClone SC128132
EGR1 Early Gene Expression is Kinetically Upstream of Epstein-Barr Virus bzlf1 and brlf1 Following Cross-linking of the B Cell Antigen Receptor in the Akata Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Line J. Virol., Sep 2010; 10.1128/JVI.01415-10, 2010 Sep TrueClone SC128132
EGR1 EGR-1 activation by EGF inhibits MMP-9 expression and lymphoma growth Blood, Aug 2010; 116: 759 - 766, 2010 Aug TrueClone SC128132
EIF2AK2 Double stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase promotes the tumorigenic phenotype in HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells by activating STAT3 Oncol Lett, 2014 Dec TrueClone SC118433
EIF2AK3 ER stress potentiates insulin resistance through PERK-mediated FOXO phosphorylation Genes & Dev., Feb 2013; 27: 441 - 449., 2013 Feb TrueClone SC117132
EIF2B5 Transcriptome analysis of hypoxic cancer cells uncovers intron retention in EIF2B5 as a mechanism to inhibit translation PLoS Biol., 2017 Sep TrueClone SC324640
EIF4E Phosphorylation independent eIF4E translational reprogramming of selective mRNAs determines tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer Oncogene, 2020 Feb TrueClone SC118908
EIF4EBP1 Effects of single amino acid deficiency on mRNA translation are markedly different for methionine versus leucine Sci Rep, 2018 May TrueClone MC200374
EIF4EBP1 Olfactomedin 4 is a novel target gene of retinoic acids and 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine involved in human myeloid leukemia cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis Blood, Aug 2010; 10.1182/blood-2009-10-246439., 2010 Aug TrueClone SC122669
EIF4G3 Nuclear localization of EIF4G3 suggests a role for the XY body in translational regulation during spermatogenesis in mice Biol. Reprod.2017, 2017 Nov TrueClone MC206135
ELAVL1 Interleukin-19 decreases leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions by reduction in endothelial cell adhesion molecule mRNA stability Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, Aug 2013; 305: C255 - C265., 2013 Aug TrueClone SC322158
ELAVL1 Insulin-like growth factor-I receptor is suppressed through transcriptional repression and mRNA destabilization by a novel energy restriction-mimetic agent Carcinogenesis, Aug 2013; 10.1093/carcin/bgt251., 2013 Aug TrueClone SC322158
ELAVL1 The mRNA-stabilizing Factor HuR Protein Is Targeted by ß-TrCP Protein for Degradation in Response to Glycolysis Inhibition J. Biol. Chem., Dec 2012; 287: 43639 - 43650., 2012 Dec TrueClone SC119271
ELAVL4 Translational derepression of Elavl4 isoforms at their alternative 5\' UTRs determines neuronal development Nat Commun, 2020 Apr TrueClone MC202586
ELF2 Transcription Factors with Conserved Binding Sites Near ATOH1 on the POU4F3 Gene Enhance the Induction of Cochlear Hair Cells Mol. Neurobiol. July 2014, 2014 Jul TrueClone SC115824
ELK1 Aberrant expression of NKL homeobox genes HMX2 and HMX3 interferes with cell differentiation in acute myeloid leukemia PLoS One, 2020 Oct TrueClone SC116858
ELK1 Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) deacetylates extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (ERK1) and thereby stimulates ERK1 activity J Biol Chem., 2017 Dec TrueClone SC116858