TrueClone Citations

OriGene products have been used extensively by scientists worldwide to improve their research efficiency. For your reference, we have collected a representation of citations for selected OriGene products and posted them at this site.

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Here are some of the recent papers making use of OriGene products by fellow researchers.

Target Research Paper Journal Product SKU
ELK1 Regulation of the miRNA-200b by transcriptional regulators PEA3 and ELK-1 affects expression of Pin1 to control anoikis J Biol Chem. 2013 Nov 8;288(45):32742-52, 2013 Nov TrueClone SC116858
ELK1 The ETS Domain Transcription Factor ELK1 Directs a Critical Component of Growth Signaling by the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer Cells J. Biol. Chem., Apr 2013; 288: 11047 - 11065., 2013 Apr TrueClone SC116858
ELK1 The homeobox gene CHX10/VSX2 regulates RdCVF promoter activity in the inner retina Hum. Mol. Genet., Jan 2010; 19: 250 - 261, 2010 Jan TrueClone SC116858
ELK1 Role of ETS Transcription Factors in the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-2 Target Gene Selection Cancer Res. 2006 Jun 1;66(11):5641-7., 2006 Jun TrueClone SC116858
ELK3 The ETS Domain Transcription Factor ELK1 Directs a Critical Component of Growth Signaling by the Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer Cells J. Biol. Chem., Apr 2013; 288: 11047 - 11065., 2013 Apr TrueClone SC116859
ELMO2 The Atypical Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Dock4 Regulates Neurite Differentiation through Modulation of Rac1 GTPase and Actin Dynamics J. Biol. Chem., Jul 2013; 288: 20034 - 20045., 2013 Jul TrueClone MC201732
ELMOD3 ELMOD2 is an Arl2 GTPase-activating protein that also acts on arfs J Biol Chem. 2007 Jun 15;282(24):17568-80., 2007 Jun TrueClone SC128226
ELN Targeted Disruption of Fibulin-4 Abolishes Elastogenesis and Causes Perinatal Lethality in Mice Mol. Cell. Biol. 2006 Mar;26(5):1700-9., 2006 Mar TrueClone SC316019
ELN Targeted Disruption of Fibulin-4 Abolishes Elastogenesis and Causes Perinatal Lethality in Mice Molecular and Cellular Biology, March 2006, p. 1700-1709, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2006 Mar TrueClone SC119860
ELN Targeted Disruption of Fibulin-4 Abolishes Elastogenesis and Causes Perinatal Lethality in Mice Molecular and Cellular Biology, March 2006, p. 1700-1709, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2006 Mar TrueClone SC316016
ELN Targeted Disruption of Fibulin-4 Abolishes Elastogenesis and Causes Perinatal Lethality in Mice Molecular and Cellular Biology, March 2006, p. 1700-1709, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2006 Mar TrueClone SC316020
ELN Targeted Disruption of Fibulin-4 Abolishes Elastogenesis and Causes Perinatal Lethality in Mice Molecular and Cellular Biology, March 2006, p. 1700-1709, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2006 Mar TrueClone SC316018
ELOVL4 The Glycocalyx core protein Glypican 1 protects vessel wall endothelial cells from stiffness-mediated dysfunction and disease Cardiovasc. Res., 2020 Jul TrueClone SC108083
EMILIN2 Genetic compensation induced by deleterious mutations but not gene knockdowns Nature, 2015 Jul TrueClone MC205982
EMX2 The expression of EMX2 lead to cell cycle arrest in glioblastoma cell line BMC Cancer, 2018 Dec trueClone SC303433
EMX2 EMX2 Is a Predictive Marker for Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinomas PLoS ONE, 2015 Jul TrueClone SC303433
EMX2 EMX2 is epigenetically silenced and suppresses growth in human lung cancer Oncogene (9 August 2010) doi:10.1038/onc.2010.330 Short Communication, 2010 Aug TrueClone SC303433
ENDOG Caspase-dependent cell death-associated release of nucleosome and damage-associated molecular patterns Cell Death Dis, 2014 Oct TrueClone SC319651
ENO1 A Moonlighting Human Protein Is Involved in Mitochondrial Import of tRNA Int J Mol Sci, 2015 Apr TrueClone SC119247
ENO1 The 1p-encoded protein stathmin and resistance of malignant gliomas to nitrosoureas J Natl Cancer Inst. 2007 Apr 18;99(8):639-52., 2007 Apr TrueClone SC119247
ENO2 A Moonlighting Human Protein Is Involved in Mitochondrial Import of tRNA Int J Mol Sci, 2015 Apr TrueClone SC319063
ENO3 A Moonlighting Human Protein Is Involved in Mitochondrial Import of tRNA Int J Mol Sci, 2015 Apr TrueClone SC118914
ENO3 Identification of the Binding Partners for HspB2and CryAB Reveals Myofibril and MitochondrialProtein Interactions and Non-Redundant Roles forSmall Heat Shock Proteins Thesis, 2013 Jan TrueClone SC118914
ENPP1 Polyoxometalates-potent and selective ecto-nucleotidase inhibitors Biochemical Pharmacology, 2014 Nov TrueClone SC108777
ENPP1 Suppression of PC-1/ENPP-1 expression improves insulin sensitivity in vitro and in vivo European Journal of Pharmacology Volume 616, Issues 1-3, 15 August 2009, Pages 346-352, 2009 Jul TrueClone SC328030
ENPP2 Polyoxometalates-potent and selective ecto-nucleotidase inhibitors Biochemical Pharmacology, 2014 Nov TrueClone SC116258
ENPP3 Polyoxometalates-potent and selective ecto-nucleotidase inhibitors Biochemical Pharmacology, 2014 Nov TrueClone SC127103
EPAS1 Direct eNAMPT Involvement in Pulmonary Hypertension and Vascular Remodeling: Transcriptional Regulation by SOX and HIF2α Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol., 2020 Mar TrueClone SC110883
EPCAM Viral and tumor antigen-specific CD8 T-cell responses in Merkel cell carcinoma Cell. Immunol., 2019 Aug TrueClone SC322331
EPCAM Off-target-free gene delivery by affinity-purified receptor-targeted viral vectors Nat Commun, 2015 Feb TrueClone SC322331
EPCAM Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is associated with prostate cancer metastasis and chemo/radioresistance via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway , 2013 Nov TrueClone SC322331
EPCAM Ep-CAM is a significant prognostic factor in pancreatic cancer patients by suppressing cell activity Oncogene (14 March 2011) doi:10.1038/onc.2011.59 Original Article, 2011 Mar TrueClone SC322331
EphA2 EphA2 Mutation in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Promotes Increased Cell Survival, Cell Invasion, Focal Adhesions, and Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Activation J. Biol. Chem., Jun 2010; 285: 18575 - 18585, 2010 Jun TrueClone SC121913
EPHA7 Receptor tyrosine kinase EphA7 is required for interneuron connectivity at specific subcellular compartments of granule cells Sci Rep, 2016 Jul TrueClone SC317153
EPHB1 Regulation of Syk by Phosphorylation on Serine in the Linker Insert J. Biol. Chem., Dec 2010; 285: 39844 - 39854, 2010 Dec TrueClone SC117355
EPHB2 Role of the EphB2 receptor in autophagy, apoptosis and invasion in human breast cancer cells Exp. Cell Res., 2013 Nov TrueClone SC109198
EPHB4 EPHB4 kinase-inactivating mutations cause autosomal dominant lymphatic-related hydrops fetalis J. Clin. Invest., 2016 Aug TrueClone SC117357
EPHB4 Ligand stimulation induces clathrin- and Rab5-dependent downregulation of the kinase-dead EphB6 receptor preceded by the disruption of EphB6-Hsp90 interaction Cell. Signal., 2014 Aug TrueClone SC117357
EphB4 The EphB6 Receptor Cooperates with c-Cbl to Regulate the Behavior of Breast Cancer Cells Cancer Res., Feb 2010; 70: 1141 - 1153, 2010 Feb TrueClone SC117357
EPHX1 A Novel Activity of Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase: Metabolism of the Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol J. Lipid Res., 2014 Jun TrueClone SC112331
EPN2 DCPIB, the Proposed Selective Blocker of Volume-Regulated Anion Channels, Inhibits Several Glutamate Transport Pathways in Glial Cells Mol. Pharmacol., Jan 2013; 83: 22 - 32., 2013 Jan TrueClone SC310244
EPO Gene Transfection toward Spheroid Cells on Micropatterned Culture Plates for Genetically-modified Cell Transplantation J Vis Exp, 2015 Aug TrueClone MC208445
EPO Safety and angiogenic effects of systemic gene delivery of a modified erythropoietin Gene Ther., 2015 Feb TrueClone SC125341
EPO An injectable spheroid system with genetic modification for cell transplantation therapy Biomaterials, Jan 2014., 2014 Jan TrueClone MC208445
EPOR Engineering of erythropoietin receptor for use as an affinity ligand Protein Expr. Purif., 2015 Mar TrueClone SC125440
ERAP1 ERAP1 promotes Hedgehog-dependent tumorigenesis by controlling USP47-mediated degradation of βTrCP Nat Commun, 2019 Jul TrueClone SC311137
ERBB2 Immune-stimulating antibody conjugates elicit robust myeloid activation and durable antitumor immunity Nature Cancer, 2020 Dec TrueClone RN205833
ERBB2 Hersintuzumab: A novel humanized anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody induces potent tumor growth inhibition Invest New Drugs, 2017 Oct TrueClone SC128161
ERBB2 Antibody Response to Human Extracellular HER2 Subdomain Proteins in Mice Iran J Immunol, 2017 Jun TrueClone SC128161
ERBB2 Antibody response to HER2 extracellular domain and subdomains in mouse following DNA immunization Tumour Biol., 2015 Aug TrueClone SC128161