TrueClone Citations

OriGene products have been used extensively by scientists worldwide to improve their research efficiency. For your reference, we have collected a representation of citations for selected OriGene products and posted them at this site.

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Here are some of the recent papers making use of OriGene products by fellow researchers.

Target Research Paper Journal Product SKU
PINK1 PINK1 Catalytic Activity is Regulated by Phosphorylation on Serines 228 and 402 J. Biol. Chem., 2014 Dec TrueClone SC108012
PINK1 Mitochondrial impairment increases FL-PINK1 levels by calcium-dependent gene expression , 2013 Nov TrueClone SC108012
PINK1 The kinase domain of mitochondrial PINK1 faces the cytoplasm PNAS, Aug 2008; 105: 12022 - 12027., 2008 Aug TrueClone SC108012
PINK1 C-terminal truncation and Parkinson's disease-associated mutations down-regulate the protein serine/threonine kinase activity of PTEN-induced kinase-1 Hum Mol Genet. 2006 Nov 1;15(21):3251-62., 2006 Nov TrueClone SC108012
PINK1 Wild-type PINK1 Prevents Basal and Induced Neuronal Apoptosis, a Protective Effect Abrogated by Parkinson Disease-related Mutations J. Biol. Chem. 2005 Oct 7;280(40):34025-32., 2005 Oct TrueClone SC108012
PITX1 PITX1 protein interacts with ZCCHC10 to regulate hTERT mRNA transcription BioRxiv, 2019 May TrueClone SC122251
PITX1 DNA hypermethyation and silencing of PITX1 correlated with advanced stage and poor postoperative prognosis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Oncotarget, 2017 Oct TrueClone SC122251
PITX1 NFkB is activated by multiple mechanisms in hairy cell leukemia Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 2015 Jul TrueClone SC122251
PITX1 BMP15 c.-9C>G promoter sequence variant may contribute to the cause of non-syndromic premature ovarian failure Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 2014 Aug TrueClone SC320324
PITX1 Repressed BMP-signalling reactivates NKL homeobox gene MSX1 in a T-ALL subset Leuk. Lymphoma, 2014 May TrueClone SC122251
PITX1 Identification of PITX1 as a TERT Suppressor Gene Located on Human Chromosome 5 Mol. Cell. Biol., Apr 2011; 31: 1624 - 1636, 2011 Apr TrueClone SC320324
PIWIL1 Androgen-Induced TMPRSS2:ERG Fusion in Nonmalignant Prostate Epithelial Cells Cancer Res., Dec 2010; 70: 9544 - 9548, 2010 Dec TrueClone SC316969
pIX An extracellular-matrix-specific GEF-GAP interaction regulates Rho GTPase crosstalk for 3D collagen migration Nat. Cell Biol., 2014 Sep TrueClone VC100150
PKIA Protein Kinase A phosphorylation activates Vpr-induced cell cycle arrest during Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 infection J. Virol., Jul 2010; 84: 6410 - 6424, 2010 Jul TrueClone SC109614
PKLR The Double-stranded RNA–dependent Protein Kinase Differentially Regulates Insulin Receptor Substrates 1 and 2 in HepG2 Cells Mol. Biol. Cell, Oct 2010; 21: 3449 - 3458, 2010 Oct TrueClone SC321691
PKM PolG Inhibits Gastric Cancer Glycolysis and Viability by Suppressing PKM2 Phosphorylation Cancer management and research, 2021 Feb TrueClone SC315792
PKM Atg7 inhibits Warburg effect by suppressing PKM2 phosphorylation resulting reduced epithelial-mesenchymal transition Int. J. Biol. Sci., 2018 Jun TrueClone SC315792
PKM Pharmacologic Activation of PKM2 Slows Lung Tumor Xenograft Growth Mol. Cancer Ther., Aug 2013; 12: 1453 - 1460., 2013 Aug TrueClone SC315792
PKM Reciprocal Regulation of Protein Kinase and Pyruvate Kinase Activities of Pyruvate Kinase M2 by Growth Signals J. Biol. Chem., May 2013; 288: 15971 - 15979., 2013 May TrueClone SC315792
PLA2R1 Renal Phospholipase A2 Receptor in Hepatitis B Virus-Associated Membranous Nephropathy Am. J. Nephrol., 2015 Jun TrueClone SC308948
PLA2R1 sPLA2 IB induces human podocyte apoptosis via the M-type phospholipase A2 receptor Sci Rep, 2014 Oct TrueClone SC308948
PLAAT4 Retinoic Acid-induced Gene-1 (RIG-I) Associates with the Actin Cytoskeleton via Caspase Activation and Recruitment Domain-dependent Interactions J. Biol. Chem., Mar 2009; 284: 6486 - 6494., 2009 Mar TrueClone SC117294
PLAC8 Excess PLAC8 promotes an unconventional ERK2-dependent EMT in colon cancer J. Clin. Invest. April 2014, 2014 Apr TrueClone
PLAGL1 A functional screen identifies transcriptional networks that regulate HIV-1 and HIV-2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021 Mar TrueClone SC115928
PLAU Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 mediates antifibrotic effects in scleroderma fibroblasts Ann. Rheum. Dis., 2018 May TrueClone SC118493
PLAUR uPAR and Cathepsin B-mediated Compartmentalization of JNK Regulates the Migration of Glioma-initiating Cells Stem Cell Research, 2014 Feb TrueClone SC319092
PLAUR Involvement of nitric oxide synthase in matrix metalloproteinase-9- and/or urokinase plasminogen activator receptor-mediated glioma cell migration BMC Cancer Dec 2013., 2013 Dec TrueClone SC300933
PLAUR Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator Receptor (uPAR)-mediated Regulation of WNT/ß-Catenin Signaling Is Enhanced in Irradiated Medulloblastoma Cells J. Biol. Chem., Jun 2012; 287: 20576 - 20589., 2012 Jun TrueClone SC319092
PLAUR siRNA-Mediated Downregulation of MMP-9 and uPAR in Combination with Radiation Induces G2/M Cell-Cycle Arrest in Medulloblastoma Mol. Cancer Res., Jan 2011; 9: 51 - 66, 2011 Jan TrueClone SC300933
PLAUR Urinary-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor/{alpha}3ß1 Integrin Signaling, Altered Gene Expression, and Oral Tumor Progression Mol. Cancer Res., Feb 2010; 8: 145 - 158, 2010 Feb TrueClone SC319092
PLCG1 Down-Regulation of miR-218-2 and Its Host Gene SLIT3 Cooperate to Promote Invasion and Progression of Thyroid Cancer J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., Aug 2013; 98: E1334 - E1344., 2013 Aug TrueClone SC309928
PLCG1 Multiple Host Proteins That Function in Phosphatidylinositol-4-Phosphate Metabolism Are Recruited to the Chlamydial Inclusion Infect. Immun., May 2010; 78: 1990 - 2007, 2010 May TrueClone SC107651
PLCG1 Multiple Host Proteins that Function in Phosphatidylinositol-4 Phosphate Metabolism are Recruited to the Chlamydial Inclusion Infect. Immun., Mar 2010; 10.1128/IAI.01340-09, 2010 Mar TrueClone SC107651
PLK1 PLK1 (polo like kinase 1)-dependent autophagy facilitates gefitinib-induced hepatotoxicity by degrading COX6A1 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A1) Autophagy, 2020 Dec TrueClone SC110978
PLK1 Dasatinib synergises with irinotecan to suppress hepatocellular carcinoma via inhibiting the protein synthesis of PLK1 Br. J. Cancer, 2017 Mar TrueClone SC110978
PLK1 PLK1 Inhibitors Synergistically Potentiate HDAC Inhibitor Lethality in Imatinib Mesylate–Sensitive or –Resistant BCR/ABL+ Leukemia Cells In Vitro and In Vivo Clin. Cancer Res., Jan 2013; 19: 404 - 414., 2013 Jan TrueClone SC110978
PLK1 The Scaffold Protein TANK/I-TRAF Inhibits NF-{kappa}B Activation by Recruiting Polo-like Kinase 1 Mol. Biol. Cell, Jul 2010; 21: 2500 - 2513, 2010 Jul TrueClone SC110978
PLK1 Prostaglandin (PG)D2 and 15-deoxy-?12,14-PGJ2, but not PGE2, mediate shear-induced chondrocyte apoptosis via protein kinase A-dependent regulation of polo-like kinases Cell Death and Differentiation (12 February 2010) doi:10.1038/cdd.2010.13 Original Paper, 2010 Feb TrueClone SC110978
PLK1 Henipavirus V Protein Association with Polo-Like Kinase Reveals Functional Overlap with STAT1 Binding and Interferon Evasion J. Virol., Jul 2008; 82: 6259 - 6271., 2008 Jul TrueClone SC110978
PLK1 Henipavirus V Protein Association with Polo-Like Kinase Reveals Functional Overlap with STAT1 Binding and Interferon Evasion J. Virol. published 16 April 2008, 10.1128/JVI.00409-08, 2008 Apr TrueClone
PLK2 Polo-like Kinase 2 (PLK2) Phosphorylates -Synuclein at Serine 129 in Central Nervous System J. Biol. Chem., Jan 2009; 284: 2598 - 2602., 2009 Jan TrueClone SC115988
PLK3 In-cell NMR Spectroscopy in Mammalian Cells Thesis, 2013 Nov TrueClone SC117577
Plk4 The conversion of centrioles to centrosomes: essential coupling of duplication with segregation J. Cell Biol., May 2011; 193: 727 - 739, 2011 May TrueClone SC115082
PLN Phosphorylation state-dependent interaction between AKAP7d/? and phospholamban increases phospholamban phosphorylation Cell. Signal., 2015 May TrueClone SC118501
PLOD1 Aberrantly expressed PLOD1 promotes cancer aggressiveness in bladder cancer: a potential prognostic marker and therapeutic target Mol Oncol, 2019 Jun TrueClone SC119956
PLOD3 PLOD3 suppression exerts an anti-tumor effect on human lung cancer cells by modulating the PKC-delta signaling pathway Cell Death Dis, 2019 Feb TrueClone SC324563
PLOD3 PLOD3 promotes lung metastasis via regulation of STAT3 Cell Death Dis, 2018 Nov TrueClone SC324563
PLOD3 Collagen beta (1- O ) galactosyltransferase 1(GLT25D1)is required for the secretion of high molecular weight adiponectin and affects lipid accumulation Biosci. Rep., 2017 Apr TrueClone SC119470
PLPPR2 ATM Activation by Ionizing Radiation Requires BRCA1-associated BAAT1 J. Biol. Chem. 2006 Apr 7;281(14):9710-8., 2006 Apr TrueClone SC112474
Plscr3 Cardiolipin externalization to the outer mitochondrial membrane acts as an elimination signal for mitophagy in neuronal cells Nat Cell Biol. 2013 Oct;15(10):1197-205., 2013 Oct TrueClone MC201608