TrueClone Citations

OriGene products have been used extensively by scientists worldwide to improve their research efficiency. For your reference, we have collected a representation of citations for selected OriGene products and posted them at this site.

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Here are some of the recent papers making use of OriGene products by fellow researchers.

Target Research Paper Journal Product SKU
CTSV Human Cathepsin V Protease Participates in Production of Enkephalin and NPY Neuropeptide Neurotransmitters J. Biol. Chem., May 2012; 287: 15232 - 15241., 2012 May TrueClone SC119311
CTSW Cathepsin W Is Required for Escape of Influenza A Virus from Late Endosomes MBio, 2015 Jun TrueClone SC125558
CUL3 Rotavirus NSP1 associates with components of the cullin RING ligase family of E3 ubiquitin ligases J. Virol., 2016 Apr TrueClone SC117870
Cux1 Cut-like Homeobox 1 (CUX1) Regulates Expression of the Fat Mass and Obesity-associated and Retinitis Pigmentosa GTPase Regulator-interacting Protein-1-like (RPGRIP1L) Genes and Coordinates Leptin Receptor Signaling J. Biol. Chem., Jan 2011; 286: 2155 - 2170, 2011 Jan TrueClone
CXCL10 Heparanase enhances myeloma progression via CXCL10 downregulation Leukemia. April 2014, 2014 Apr TrueClone SC119137
CXCL14 Epigenetic silencing of CXCL14 induced colorectal cancer migration and invasion Transl Psychiatry. 2013 Oct 22;3:e317, 2013 Oct TrueClone SC127695
CXCL8 The combined effects of physicochemical properties of size-fractionated ambient particulate matter on in vitro toxicity in human A549 lung epithelial cells Toxicology Reports Jul 2014, 2014 Jul TrueClone SC119807
CXCL8 Tristetraprolin regulates IL-8 mRNA stability in cystic fibrosis lung epithelial cells Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, Jun 2009; 296: L1012 - L1018., 2009 Jun TrueClone SC119807
CXCL9 CXCL9 promotes the progression of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma through up-regulating β-catenin Biomed. Pharmacother., 2018 Aug TrueClone SC118643
CXCL9 Overexpression of SMARCE1 is associated with CD8+ T-cell infiltration in early stage ovarian cancer Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 2014 May TrueClone SC118643
CXCR1 Cell-free methods to produce structurally intact mammalian membrane proteins Sci Rep, 2016 Jul TrueClone SC119771
CXCR1 AUF1 and HuR Proteins Stabilize Interleukin-8 mRNA in Human Saliva J. Dent. Res., Aug 2008; 87: 772 - 776., 2008 Jul TrueClone SC119771
CXCR2 Targeting cellular heterogeneity with CXCR2 blockade for the treatment of therapy-resistant prostate cancer Sci Transl Med, 2019 Dec TrueClone SC321915
CXCR2 AUF1 and HuR Proteins Stabilize Interleukin-8 mRNA in Human Saliva J. Dent. Res., Aug 2008; 87: 772 - 776., 2008 Jul TrueClone SC321915
CXCR4 Osteoporosis and ageing affects the migration of stem cells and this is ameliorated by transfection with CXCR4 Bone Joint Res, 2017 Jun TrueClone SC117951
CXCR4 Hormophysa triquerta polyphenol, an elixir that deters CXCR4- and COX2-dependent dissemination destiny of treatment-resistant pancreatic cancer cells Oncotarget, 2017 Jan TrueClone SC301321
Cxcr4 Engineered Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Enhanced Tropism and Paracrine Secretion of Cytokines and Growth Factors to Treat Traumatic Brain Injury Stem Cells, 2014 Oct TrueClone MC202204
CXCR4 CXCR4 Antagonists: A Screening Strategy for Identification of Functionally Selective Ligands J Biomol Screen, 2014 Mar TrueClone SC117951
CXCR4 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma upregulated factor promotes metastasis by regulating TLR/CXCR4 activation Oncogene (30 August 2010) doi:10.1038/onc.2010.401 Original Article, 2010 Aug TrueClone SC301321
CYB5R2 Cytochrome b5 reductase 2 is a novel candidate tumor suppressor gene frequently inactivated by promoter hypermethylation in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma Tumour Biol. Dec 2013., 2013 Dec TrueClone SC114350
CYBB Optimal ROS Signaling Is Critical for Nuclear Reprogramming Cell Rep, 2016 Apr TrueClone MC204867
Cyclin E1 DNA methylation of miRNA-encoding genes in non-small cell lung cancer patients J. Pathol., 2018 Mar TrueClone SC207262
CYGB Strong modulation of nitrite reductase activity of cytoglobin by disulfide bond oxidation: Implications for nitric oxide homeostasis Nitric Oxide, 2017 Nov TrueClone SC321813
CYGB Cell cycle-dependent regulation of cytoglobin by Skp2 FEBS Lett., 2017 Sep TrueClone SC321813
CYGB Peroxidase activation of cytoglobin by anionic phospholipids: Mechanisms and consequences Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 2016 Feb TrueClone SC321813
CYGB Characterization of zebrafish neuroglobin and cytoglobins 1 and 2: Zebrafish cytoglobins reveal functional divergences with mammalian proteins Nitric Oxide, 2015 Dec TrueClone SC321813
CYGB Effect of the distal histidine on the peroxidatic activity of monomeric cytoglobin F1000Research, 2015 Apr TrueClone SC321813
CYGB Cytoglobin ligand binding regulated by changing haem-coordination in response to intramolecular disulfide bond formation and lipid interaction Biochem. J., 2014 Oct TrueClone SC321813
CYGB DNA damage induced activation of Cygb stabilizes p53 and mediates G1 arrest DNA Repair (Amst.), 2014 Sep TrueClone SC321813
CYGB Expression and biological role of cytoglobin in human ovarian cancer Tumour Biol. April 2014, 2014 Apr TrueClone SC321813
CYGB Cytoglobin has bimodal: tumour suppressor and oncogene functions in lung cancer cell lines Hum. Mol. Genet., Aug 2013; 22: 3207 - 3217., 2013 Aug TrueClone SC321813
CYP11A1 Resveratrol Stimulates Cortisol Biosynthesis by Activating SIRT-Dependent Deacetylation of P450scc Endocrinology, Jul 2012; 153: 3258 - 3268., 2012 Jul TrueClone SC119684
CYP11B1 Structural Insights into Aldosterone Synthase Substrate Specificity and Targeted Inhibition Mol. Endocrinol., Feb 2013; 27: 315 - 324., 2013 Feb TrueClone SC123879
CYP11B2 Structural Insights into Aldosterone Synthase Substrate Specificity and Targeted Inhibition Mol. Endocrinol., Feb 2013; 27: 315 - 324., 2013 Feb TrueClone SC300084
CYP17A1 Analysis of novel heterozygous mutations in the CYP11B2 gene causing congenital aldosterone synthase deficiency and literature review Steroids, 2019 Jul TrueClone SC102224
CYP17A1 Functional characterization of the G162R and D216H genetic variants of human CYP17A1 J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., 2017 Dec TrueClone SC102224
CYP19A1 Effect of sildenafil on human aromatase activity: From in vitro structural analysis to catalysis and inhibition in cells J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., 2016 Sep TrueClone SC127848
CYP19A1 Methylseleninic acid is a novel suppressor of aromatase expression J. Endocrinol., Feb 2012; 212: 199 - 205., 2012 Feb TrueClone SC107980
CYP19A1 A common polymorphism in the human aromatase gene alters the risk for polycystic ovary syndrome and modifies aromatase activity in vitro Mol. Hum. Reprod., Jun 2011; 17: 386 - 391, 2011 Jun TrueClone SC127848
CYP19A1 Expression of the K303R Estrogen Receptor- Breast Cancer Mutation Induces Resistance to an Aromatase Inhibitor via Addiction to the PI3K/Akt Kinase Pathway Cancer Res., Jun 2009; 69: 4724 - 4732., 2009 Jun TrueClone SC127848
CYP1A1 Activation of Phenyl 4-(2-Oxo-3-alkylimidazolidin-1-yl)benzenesulfonates Prodrugs by CYP1A1 as New Antimitotics Targeting Breast Cancer Cells J. Med. Chem., 2017 May TrueClone SC322548
CYP1A1 HDAC6 modulates HSP90 chaperone activity and regulates activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling J. Biol. Chem., Jan 2009; 10.1074/jbc.M808999200., 2009 Jan TrueClone SC119858
CYP1B1 HDAC6 modulates HSP90 chaperone activity and regulates activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling J. Biol. Chem., Jan 2009; 10.1074/jbc.M808999200., 2009 Jan TrueClone SC103335
CYP26B1 Identification of Tazarotenic Acid as the First Xenobiotic Substrate of Human Retinoic Acid Hydroxylase CYP26A1 and CYP26B1 J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 2016 Mar TrueClone SC120799
CYP26B1 A Comparison of the Roles of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor and Retinoic Acid Receptor on CYP26 Regulation Mol. Pharmacol., Feb 2010; 77: 218 - 227, 2010 Feb TrueClone SC120799
CYP26C1 CYP26C1 is a hydroxylase of multiple active retinoids and interacts with cellular retinoic acid binding proteins Mol. Pharmacol., 2018 Feb TrueClone SC307567
CYP27B1 25(OH)D Is Effective to Repress Human Cholangiocarcinoma Cell Growth through the Conversion of 25(OH)D to 1a,25(OH)2D3 Int J Mol Sci, 2016 Aug TrueClone SC123873
CYP27B1 Hepatocellular carcinoma cells express 25(OH)D-1a-hydroxylase and are able to convert 25(OH)D to 1a,25(OH)2D, leading to the 25(OH)D-induced growth inhibition J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., 2015 Jul TrueClone SC123873
CYP2B6 Potential Contribution of Cytochrome P450 2B6 to Hepatic 4-Hydroxycyclophosphamide Formation In Vitro and In Vivo Drug Metab. Dispos., Jan 2012; 40: 54 - 63., 2012 Jan TrueClone SC125490